Bridge City Beat Down


Sunday 4 September 2011

Saturday WOD #1+2 - Clean and Jerk Complex + Row

This workout is scored as two separate workouts although they are completed as one.

A. In 5 min find a max effort - Deadlift + Hang clean + jerk (1+1+1) - rest 60sec
     - clean grip deadlift to hips (full extension), then lower the load for a hang clean (full or power) without having it drop below the knees.  Once racked you will need to jerk (shoulders to overhead anyhow) the load overhead and recover to a full extensions position.  The bar must never touch the floor once initially lifted, there is not time limit on completion of the three lifts and you must jerk the load from the front rack position.  This is completed as a complex - one attempt of each lift (1+1+1)
     - Scored by max weight completed.  Athletes will have available 2 x 45, 35, 25, 10, 5, 2.5, 1# plates per platform. 
B. Row 90sec for distance
     - Once the 5 min time limit is over, all athletes will have a 60 sec break to strap into a rowing machine for a max effort 90sec row (distance). 
     - The rowing machine will be set for 90 seconds and the judging staff will instruct athletes when to begin the row.  It will be scored by total distance covered.

This workout is the same for Beats and Brutes.

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