Bridge City Beat Down


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Saturday BEAT DOWN Items #1

1. First off I will start on a serious note - I would like to discuss acts of disrespect towards judges, staff, spectators, and athletes.  We need to understand that without judges and volunteer staff this event can not happen - they are an integral part of the entire day.  They are volunteering their time (up to 25 hours each) in prepping, planning, and judging - these people are putting a lot of time in to the day to ensure that all athletes enjoy themselves.  Any disrespect towards judges and staff will be met with zero tolerance - meaning head judges (Chad and Courtney) will be notified and athletes will be asked to leave the premises.  This may sound a bit mean, but I feel treating others with disrespect is as well - so stiff penalties will be given.  Again this is zero tolerance - I truly do not think we will need to act on this, but you as an athlete need to understand our stance on this topic.

2. Any concerns or problems will be dealt with by the head judges (Chad and Courtney) - depending on the severity of the concern it will be dealt with immediately or at a later time based on the schedule of the day.  Judges, spectators, volunteers will not be expected to deal with any problems - everything must be brought to the head judges.  This might include disputes on times, scores, schedule, etc.

3. We will also be setting up a competition pull-up station outside near the food (west bridgeford meats) between 12:00 and 2:30pm fora ll spectators to compete in a strict pull-up challenge.  The top male and female pull-up numbers will go home with a sweet prize.  This will be announced throughout the day.

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