Bridge City Beat Down


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

All WOD's - some thoughts

I would like to cover a few topics that came up in the days leading up to the BEAT DOWN.  Most are small things, but things that everyone need to take into consideration none the less.

Friday evening workouts-
1. We will be completing Beast registration on Friday so everyone needs to be at the river at 6:00
2. Come early as parking is limited and we will need to be on schedule (we will not wait for anyone)
3. The workouts are going to be done back to back - even though we have a tentative heat schedule we will be very quick with the workouts as darkness hits around 8pm (there are lights) and we would like to be done as fast as possible.
4. Bear crawl - bring gloves if you want - they are not necessary, but bring them if you like.
5. HSPU's - your butt can touch the wall
6. Lunges - are done on the spot - alternating legs (not walking around)
7. Time limit is 15 min

Saturday WOD 1+2
1. Be warmed up properly - small warm-up area and lots of athletes so you will need to share bars and equipment
2. Have a starting weight and finishing weight already set
3. Be fast when transitioning from clean to row - only have 1 min
4. There is a judge at the clean adn the row so you will need to take your score card with you to the next judge after the clean
5. You need to load your own bar - be sure to grab the right bar (both men and women bars are available)
6. You need to use clamps on the bars (muscle clamps)
7. There will be no re-starts on the rowers

Satruday WOD 3
1. Heat starts with a 3,2,1 and then a whistle blow
2. The heats are back to back - we haev helpers re-setting the prowlers on the start line every heat and as soon as they are set - we go.
3. Time starts on the whistle
4. Time ends when the front ski passes the line
5. The entire prowler must pass the turn around line not just the front ski, but remember that once the front ski has passed you may simply run around the prowler (turning it around) - at some point the entire prowler needs to be past the line
6. If there is a false start the whistle will be blown twice to alert athletes to stop - athletes will re-set their own prowlers for the next start
7. 3 min time cap to finish

Saturday WOD #4
1. You must not touch any implements until the buzzer goes off (bars, rings, wall,etc)
2. You will be able to see teh clock, but may not be able to hear it - so pay attention
3. Pull-up and MU - every rep needs to begin with full extension of the arms.  Athletes can "flash" extension without a false grip then set it and go.  The non false flash is considered extension.
4. Parallettes - reveiw video from earlier (hips on the way through have been the biggest issue)
5. Wall clearing - rep counts once both feet have touched the floor
6. The score card moves with athlete through the workout as the judges stay at each station throughout the workout. 

Saturday WOD #5 
1. Athletes start lyign on their back in the street
2. Judges will be at the hurdles to indicate the path through and fix any if they are knocked down
3. If one does not finish int eh 15 min time cap the last rep completed is scored
4. all C2B pull-ups must contact chest/strernum
5. Ring rows are strict - no kipping at all
6. Burpees - touch chest to ground, clap above the head on a jump and they must be done on the blue mats provided.

1 comment:

  1. This may be a dumb question, but will there be anywhere for last minute potty breaks and/or to change clothes when we're at the River? Or, do we have to come FULLY prepared. I'll be driving in from Regina straight from work, so don't want to be caught doing HSPU's in my skirt :) Thx.
